Most common Redux interview questions
In this article, I will try to include some of the most common Redux interview questions with their answers.
1. What is Redux?
- Redux is an open-source state management library for JavaScript and React applications, used to manage and synchronize the state of an application across multiple components and screens.
2. What is the purpose of the store in Redux?
- The store in Redux is an object that holds the state of the application, and provides methods to update and access the state.
3. What is the difference between an action and a reducer in Redux?
- An action in Redux is a plain JavaScript object that describes a change to the state, while a reducer is a pure function that takes the current state and an action, and returns a new state.
4. What is the purpose of the dispatch() method in Redux?
- The dispatch() method in Redux is used to send an action to the store, triggering a state update and potentially causing the application to re-render.
5. What is a middleware in Redux?
- A middleware in Redux is a function that sits between the dispatch() method and the reducer, allowing for additional functionality to be added to the state update process, such as logging, error handling, or asynchronous actions.
6. What is the purpose of the connect() function in Redux?
- The connect() function in Redux is used to connect a React component to the Redux store, allowing it to access and update the state using props.
7. What is the difference between mapStateToProps() and mapDispatchToProps() in Redux?
- The mapStateToProps() function in Redux is used to map the state of the store to the props of a connected component, while the mapDispatchToProps() function is used to map actions to the props of a connected component.
8. What is the purpose of the Provider component in Redux?
- The Provider component in Redux is used to provide the store to all components in the application, allowing them to access and update the state using the connect() function.
9. What is the purpose of the createSelector() function in Redux?
- The createSelector() function in Redux is used to create memoized selectors, which are functions that derive data from the state and cache the results to improve performance.
10. What is the difference between Redux and Flux?
- Flux is an architectural pattern for managing the state of an application, while Redux is a library that implements the Flux pattern with additional features, such as time-travel debugging and hot module reloading.
That’s all, now you have good knowledge about the most common Redux questions being asked in interviews.
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